c. Connect to ParallelCluster UI

  1. First navigate to the ParallelCluster UI. To do that, go to AWS CloudFormation > pcluster-ui > Outputs then click on the ParallelClusterUIURL to connect.

To customize the URL please see h. Setup Custom Domain 🔗.

ParallelCluster UI Deployed

  1. During deployment you received an email titled [ParallelClusterUI] Welcome to ParallelCluster UI, please verify your account.. Copy the temporary password provided:

From: “no-reply@verificationemail.comno-reply@verificationemail.com Date: Monday, February 20, 2023 at 1:00 PM To: you@email.com Subject: [EXTERNAL] [AWS ParallelCluster UI] Welcome to AWS ParallelCluster UI, please verify your account.

You are invited to manage clusters with ParallelCluster UI. Your administrator will contact you with the link to access. Your username is you@email.com and your temporary password is XXXXXX (you will need to change it in your first access).

  1. Enter the credentials using the email you used when deploying the stack and the temporary password from the email above.

ParallelCluster UI CloudFormation Stack

  1. You will be asked to provide a new password. Enter a new password to complete signup.

Signup Screen

Congrats! You are ready to create your HPC cluster in AWS. Let’s do that in the next section.