f. Slurm REST API 🌀

Enable the Slurm REST API. Requires Slurm Accounting.

Step 1 - Setup Slurm Accounting

Slurm Accounting is required to enable the Slurm REST API. Follow these instructions to setup an Accounting database but do not begin cluster creation until completing Step 4.

Step 2 - Create a Security Group to allow inbound API Requests

By default, your cluster will not be able to accept incoming HTTPS requests to the REST API. You will need to create a security group to allow traffic from outside the cluster to call the API.

  1. Under Security group name, enter Slurm REST API (or another name of your choosing)

  2. Ensure VPC matches the cluster’s VPC

  3. Add an inbound rule and select HTTPS under Type, then change the Destination to the CIDR range you want to have access. In this example we use Anywhere-IPv4 but you should restrict this down in practice.

  4. Click Create security group

    Security Group

Step 3 - Add Additional IAM Permissions

Please follow the instructions under g. Setup IAM Permissions 🔑. This step is only required if you’re using ParallelCluster UI to setup your cluster.

Step 4 - Configure your cluster

  1. In your cluster configuration, return to the HeadNode section and add Slurm REST API Security Group you created above.

    Security Group

  2. Under Advanced options > click Add Script and paste in:


    Security Group

  3. Under Additional IAM permissions, add the policy:


    Cluster Setup

  4. Setup the rest of the options following the accounting tutorial.

  5. Create your cluster.

Step 5 - Test

In order to authenticate with the API, you’ll need a JWT token. One was created for you and stored in AWS Secrets Manager with the name slurm_token_[your-cluster]. In the script below we fetch this using the AWS CLI.

You’ll also need the HeadNode ipv4 address. This can be retrieved either manually through the ParallelCluster UI as shown below or automatically using the pcluster cli.

Public ipv4 address

Next run the following python or bash script, changing cluster_name=rest-api and region=us-east-2 to match your cluster:

import boto3
import requests

headnode_ip = ''
cluster_name = 'rest-api'
region = 'us-east-2'

client = boto3.client('secretsmanager', region_name=region)
jwt_token = client.get_secret_value(SecretId=f"slurm_token_{cluster_name}")

headers = {'X-SLURM-USER-NAME': 'ec2-user', 'X-SLURM-USER-TOKEN': jwt_token.get('SecretString')}

r = requests.get(f"https://{headnode_ip}/slurm/v0.0.36/diag", headers=headers, verify=False)

# set the cluster name and region:

# this will get the headnode ip and JWT token
HEADNODE_IP=$(pcluster describe-cluster --region ${region} -n ${cluster_name} | jq '.headNode.publicIpAddress' | tr -d '"')
SLURM_JWT=$(aws --region ${region} secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id slurm_token_${cluster_name} --query SecretString --output text)

# call the api
curl -k -H "X-SLURM-USER-NAME:ec2-user" -H "X-SLURM-USER-TOKEN:$SLURM_JWT" https://$HEADNODE_IP/slurm/v0.0.36/diag

You’ll get a response back like:

    "meta": {
      "plugin": {
        "type": "openapi\/v0.0.36",
        "name": "REST v0.0.36"
      "Slurm": {
        "version": {
          "major": 22,
          "micro": 8,
          "minor": 5
        "release": "22.05.8"

Congrats! You just called the Slurm API on the HeadNode. For other API endpoints see Slurm REST API Reference.